Course - Emergency First Aid at Work

Emergency First Aid at Work Course

About the Course

The Level 3 Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) qualification enables a first-aider to give emergency first aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill while at work.

This one-day course covers a range of CPR and first aid skills, providing you with the skills to ensure a safe working environment.

The qualification is Ofqual accredited and valid for three years, making it suitable for all industries and enabling you to meet HSE requirements.

The Emergency First Aid at Work course is six hours. The course comprises of practical work and theoretical classroom work, including practical assessment on CPR and first aid.

The award is valid for three years as of the date of assessment.

Candidates must be a minimum of 16 years of age at the time of taking the assessment. No prior first aid knowledge is required.
Information For Everyone

Individuals and organisations are also advised to take this course.
Course Content

A range of subjects are covered including:

Understanding the role and responsibilities of a first aider
How to manage an unresponsive casualty who is not breathing normally
How to manage a casualty who is in shock
How to assess an incident
How to recognise and assist a casualty who is choking
How to manage a casualty with a minor injury
How to manage an unresponsive casualty who is breathing normally
How to manage a casualty with external bleeding


Emergency First Aid at Work is Trainer Assessed throughout the course and the assessment should determine a learner’s ability to act safely, promptly and effectively when an emergency occurs at work and to deal with a casualty. All Assessment Criteria in the units must be achieved

A maximum of 12 students can be accommodated on this course per trainer more than 12 in one day other trainers will be provided. Please email about cost which will include all equipment, books and Ofqual certificates

Aqualife Training Services

We provide training for the National Rescue Award for Swimming Teachers & Coaches (NRASTC), and many other courses for adults and children.

Contact Info

Aqua Life Training Services. 3 Romney Court, Jameson Road, East Sussex, TN40 1EH

Phone: 07762 659 974